Peels remove surface layers of the skin to expose the fresh and rejuvenated layers below. Various chemicals and enzymes are used to achieve superficial, medium or heavy peels.

The Pumpkin Peel has simultaneous actions: it exfoliates and draws impurities out of the skin while introducing vitamins, enzymes and nutrients into the skin. This is an excellent treatment for smokers as it stimulates circulation, promotes healing and provides vitamin nutrition. This treatment is also excellent for smoothing the skin, as the naturally occurring salicylic acid in pumpkin removes the dead cells that cause a rough texture. There is no downtime; in fact, the skin will have a healthy glow following the treatment.

JESSNER PCA PEEL ( light- medium )
This peel uses a combination of acids that provide not only antiseptic, anti-fungal and astringent effects needed in targeting oily acne prone skin, and the diffusing of hyper-pigmentation.

TCA PEELS ( medium-deep )
TCA (Trichloroacetic acid) is a deeper more intensive chemical treatment. This peel penetrates deep within your skin, causing the shedding of dead, dry, and scarred outer layers. After 7-10 days of healing, this peel will results in your skin emerging more firmed and tightened, in addition to smoother more even skin.